CCTV news broadcast two special reports: World Robert h to promote Chinese education

Two sessions are in full swing, representatives, members say, and offer advice and suggestions. The night of March 11, CCTV news column entitled “development of socialism, share dividend for people’s livelihood ‘” two feature stories, reports, representatives, members have to fast development of social programs such as education, employment, social security discussions. Attend meetings of the representatives of the overseas Chinese of the CPPCC session, perfect world (Beijing) networking technologies CEO Robert h will be speaking in the scene appears in the screen, give active support to education has been a perfect world, Robert h on her sympathy and advocates increasing the strength of the Chinese education in the world.

News reports said, CPPCC National Committee members during the discussion the view that, to continue to accelerate the development of social programs such as education, employment, social security, and let people share complete the building of a well-off society, “livelihood dividend”. Members were of the view that education about basic human rights, to further the promotion of equitable development and to improve the quality of education, education fair to go on the road, and education reforms are also needed in other areas of the reform package.

CCTV news broadcast two special reports: World Robert h to promote Chinese education

Perfect world CEO Robert h Dr

In today’s world, economic globalization is developing in depth, and rapid scientific and technological advances and international competition becomes increasingly fierce, more and more become the decisive factor in enhancing the overall national strength and international competitiveness, human resources becomes a strategic resource to promote economic and social development, Education Foundation, pioneering, global status and a more prominent role. Personnel training based on education, education is to raise the ideological and ethical qualities and scientific and cultural qualities of the people’s basic approach is the development and Foundation of training talents in science and technology.

However, in many parts of our country, education due to poverty or other factors does not have the condition caused by uneven condition of education, outstanding talents cultivation conditions, resulting in current situation of stifling real talent. Faced with this situation, development of education cannot be totally dependent on the State and the Government, but all social forces come together, especially enterprise development in the reform and opening up, more nurturing society, support for education is shared among people build a well-off society in an all-round “livelihood dividend”.

Robert h said in an interview, should vigorously around the world strengthened Chinese education, which let the world understand China and understand China, and has far-reaching significance. Perfect world support for education is the living proof of community support for the education. Perfect world as one of the leading enterprises of China’s cultural and creative industry, for four consecutive years was rated “top 30 of Chinese culture”, its range of products are exported to more than 100 countries and regions in the world. In a perfect world also did not forget the success of corporate responsibility, actively participate in and support education, especially with respect to human, cultural and educational exchanges. Such as perfect world China Education Association for international exchange, last United States Thurgood Marshall College Fund, the United States top 100,000 foundations and other organizations jointly launched the “knowing China ยท perfect world” Sino-American elite program for youth, support Sino-US educational exchanges of young talents, a move that has also been coordination mechanism level consultation on cultural exchanges between China and the Chinese people, China’s Vice Minister of education Hao ping fully affirmed. In addition, perfect world is also working with UNESCO, Colombia University, Moscow State University, the College of Europe have reached a cooperation agreement to start the “laboratory of young global leaders” program, front continues to expand educational and cultural exchanges for China’s development made a positive role in promoting the cause of education.

“The development of socialism, share dividend for people’s livelihood, ‘” the news broadcast two special report shows us the big heart of the representative Committee, and for the wellbeing of the people never stop. It would be, this is what people are looking forward to the annual sessions of CPPCC, and my heart filled with people, down-to-earth work for the well-being of the people, that’s why people approve of the party and Government. We are confident that with sustained attention to education on behalf of the members of that social forces sustained support for education, and education in our country will certainly take on a new look, let people share complete the building of a well-off society, “livelihood dividend”

Source: made by China network

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