After Intel, NVIDIA, video depth reached aiqi Alexander arts and science, studying strategic cooperation

On February 4, China’s largest integrated video service platform aiqi Arts announced that hand in hand with strong mathematical Foundation of China University of science and technology and in the construction of knowledge map of visual media lead the establishment of Shandong University “video deep learning industry-university joint laboratory”. Three Visual Computing, machine learning and data mining algorithms and semantic analysis of natural, multidimensional relationship between depth and video, Chinese video recommended by top industry knowledge maps and video systems. To better help users to get video information, enhance aiqi art featured, box office prediction accuracy and flow of intelligence.
Currently, aiqi Arts database contains hundreds of thousands of stars for relational data, tens of video data, as well as 500 million users per month, billions of behavioral data. These data contain the “person to person”, “people with video” and “video and video” complicated relationships. Aiqi arts and is currently working on a new valid data in these relationships, build video mapping of the world’s largest amounts of data, provide users with customized, results, recommended a more precise search.

After Intel, NVIDIA, video depth reached aiqi Alexander arts and science, studying strategic cooperation
Dean of school of mathematics at the University of science and technology Li Jiayu, China & aiqi Arts CTO soup

“Video deep learning industry-university joint laboratory” is established, Alexander will be on knowledge map construction, intelligent video segmentation and tracking of video, video compositing and enhance areas such as aiqi Arts provides cutting-edge research and technology programs. Science will be in areas such as data modeling and analysis, social network analysis depth cooperation with aiqi arts, aiqi art flow forecast, intelligent recommendation, video production, such as dispersing many of our core business of providing top-notch data analysis support.

After Intel, NVIDIA, video depth reached aiqi Alexander arts and science, studying strategic cooperation
Shandong University School of computer science and software engineering Director Chen Baoquan & aiqi Arts CTO soup

School of computer science and software engineering, Shandong University Professor Chen Baoquan, Dean and President of the Institute of mathematics of the University of science and technology Li Jiayu, China have all expressed, and academic institutions to study in depth mapping, search, recognition, knowledge accumulated in areas such as deep. Aiqi art band layout, cloud computing and data storage analysis area has obvious advantages. Working together will be able to combine academic research results and practical application, and access to new research questions based on user feedback, promoting technological innovation and rapid iteration.
Previously, aiqi art has by way of strategic cooperation or the establishment of joint laboratories, reached a strategic cooperation with Intel, NVIDIA, Dolby. Intel and NVIDIA in video service system development and media, cloud computing, aiqi art deep learning, build video mapping knowledge domain provides hardware and algorithm support. Aiqi Arts CTO Tang Hing says, “knowledge mapping, video intelligent recommendations based on in-depth field research study the technical innovation of large-span long periods, subjects topic, aiqi art has kept an open mind and willingness to cooperate actively. Love Qiyi will also in the future with more top companies and academic institutions to establish strategic cooperation, tap machines in large computation and logic in the context of potential. ”

Source: made by China network

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