Ban wars: open Internet open fig leaf

Approaching new year, target user scenarios the battle for the Chinese new year, Internet giants are a pair of launching all kinds of attitude. Particularly lively this year, the Giants have begun to “love kills”, staged a block in advance wars.

On February 2, the app for “security breaches, not allowed under the red envelope on behalf of malicious marketing” in the name, blocked by Alipay red envelopes. Blocked, when Alipay red packets cannot be sent to QQ, micro buddy and friends, micro-shop unable to use PayPal for payment. Alipay used outflanking tactics later comeback in micro-circle of friends, only praised the Po boys are smart, know how to “Save” them.

February 3, official letter regarding “you share for security breaches”, or “allegedly contains infringing the lawful rights and interests of content”, citing blocked Ali shrimp in the Department of music and the sounds of two music every day, and a subsidiary of NetEase NetEase cloud music.

Earlier, and Taobao shielding Baidu crawls, weixin Taobao a link, Baidu 91 UC Assistant blocked Ali investment … … Mutual blocking between the BAT giants, are legion.

Ban wars opened a domestic Internet open fig leaf

When the enterprise has developed to a certain extent, particularly BAT development by investing in building a biosphere and the moat when line is very brazen. Keep yourself all the way to three points when, still have to protect their sons and sons, anti-mating competitors.

So when the Giants led by BAT each other into closed, had held up “open Internet” banner has been left behind. At such times, feel of Tencent’s so-called “connect”; Ali “new business culture,” and “Let no nothing too hard to do business in the world”; Baidu “connecting people with information” or the newly proposed “connecting people and services”, are nothing more than a “face” word of the of.

Business interests first, user interests to step aside

While the Giants have taken blocking actions, all sounding name for the user experience, and user interests, but in fact, business considerations of self-interest, rather than the interests of users.

Business is business, opening the premises to ensure that its own core interests cannot be challenged. Return to Tencent micro envelope recently killed far Alipay, Tencent first core interests are maintained by their own micro-payments, and money behind the outbreak of QQ was planning a red envelope payment. Ultimately, Tencent had wanted to force to protect their mobile payments. Last year, weixin envelopes a gun and red, pulling the tie micro-payment cards, robbed already precipitated in mobile payments sector for many years, share lead PayPal’s thunder. PayPal ready early this year “new red envelope” mustering the enthusiasm, carefully prepared individual envelopes, Solitaire and group lucky red envelopes, face to face and get lucky red envelopes are five play, hope and tiny red compete, pulled one back.

After all, both PK is the mobile payment market share, everyone wants to hand back some more shares from the other side. Business interests naturally in the first place.

Often talks about the user experience and user interests, in fact, to a critical point, really just saying that. Users do not really because, after all, Ali is in love with Tencent’s abandonment of the app or PayPal to kill a “choice”. and users tends to be blind, 3Q war for the two elections that year, many users actually chose to delete QQ and 360 antivirus software. But users tend to be forgetful, well forget the pain, now you will find that many outraged users had started to use QQ and 360 anti-virus software.

Kevin Kelly’s words can also confirm the author’s views. Kelly said: “generally speaking, users for the Internet phenomenon is quite happy, on the competitors in this unhappy is that monopolies, and not the user is complaining about. Also, I think this network is based on a free basis of monopoly formed slowly, users have nothing to complain about? They get the service is constantly improved, the only people who complain about competitors, rather than users. ”

So users tend to be curious state of mind, but failed to pass the stage of the action to safeguard their own interests.

Self sealing protection can only cultivate “hothouse flowers”

Is the so-called 30-year East of 30 years, and no Evergreen enterprises. Only and always have a sense, dare to win in the competition by companies hard to win customers, might win in the future.

By Andie’s sanctuary, or their own moat captive-raised product, after all, can only become a hothouse flowers, not real wind and rain.

App kill shrimp, everyday sounds of music, and NetEase after music, circle of friends sharing of music reduces bulk, QQ on the basis of music was in a State of growing in the greenhouse. QQ music may usher in a brief spring and win a false prosperity. When QQ music out and dried shrimp, everyday sounds in music, and NetEase when cloud music PK, left the asylum to micro-letter, may soon “fade”.

I also have to sigh, who provoked the block war, Tencent, Tencent, no longer date, as time passes by, often not the same.

Tencent’s strategy was to early product their own fight, survival of the fittest. At a later stage, in particular areas of focus, requires the app to bring it. Now, how often do we miss by moving the product yourself to fight the age, but now relies on leading big brother seems to be helpless in the era of micro-letter. But time will prove, “grazing” business model will not long, because when companies can be blind to believe they can freely herd when the user, also can not escape watch a model the fate of destruction.

Industry self-regulation does not work, look forward to law sometimes

Rivers and Lakes is the strong world network rivers and lakes, too, has never been absolute fairness. But depending on foreign countries to be a little better, after all, if you follow the logic of national champions fighting, is IE browser to compete with Chrome, Microsoft prevents users from installing Chrome on Windows? There is competition between Google and Facebook, what is Google going to block Facebook? But, in fact, did not.

Perhaps 10,000 second thought, foreign enterprises will not be high, so commercial interests should also be considered, but why would a foreign enterprise and not too much at all. It must be mentioned the “antitrust case law,” the power, because, after all, fencing is very likely to be government-sponsored antitrust or unfair competition, the enterprises faced prolonged litigation, there might be split up, natural enterprises might not be so risky.

Returning home to change now as companies, especially the Giants over the willful killing and blocked, you will need is a sound and the establishment of the rule of law, only everyone playing under the rules of the game, will promptly when the referee gave a foul the “yellow” and “red card”, and to usher in a more harmonious business, can we really talk about user experience, and user interests.

Orderly development of the Internet in China is not counting on boomers conscience which really open. Laws and rules are key.

The end, I want to say is, even though most users are voting with their feet, and in today’s business environment, it’s hard even for user to safeguard their own interests, but after all, water can carry a boat, it can also overturn it.

Finally, I Tencent in Shenzhen Conference on WE hear, pony himself said to the initiator of this round of block wars Emperor Penguin: “when a giant falls, temperature is still warm.”

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