General Manager Wang Yi Qi Shang Zai signed the Convention on China data center industry self-regulation

Recently, cloud Wu Xiangdong, General Manager of China Telecom, China Unicom, General Manager of cloud technology Gang Jiao, Qi Shang Zai Xian Wang Yi, General Manager and other Club members were invited to participate in the Data Center Manager Club annual meeting and the signing of China’s information industry self-discipline.

General Manager Wang Yi Qi Shang Zai signed the Convention on China data center industry self-regulation

During the annual session, representatives of the authorities, Deputy Secretary-General of the China information industry association Fu Boyan fully affirmed the China data center and data center industry Alliance, General Manager of the Club for one year for the efforts and contribution to the healthy development of the industry. He pointed out that the current era is an era of joint collaboration, integration, and Union and the Club should be in the data center of the future industries to develop the Organization and industry self-discipline function. For establishing the data centre industry’s self-regulating mechanism, regulating professions, shall safeguard and promote the healthy and orderly development of data center industry, Qi Shang Zai Xian Wang Yi, General Manager, as well as other delegates signed the Convention on China data center industry self-regulation.
16 years in business focus, Qi Shang Zai Xian development for large-scale independent IDC data carriers. Qi Shang Zai Xian owns both innovative cloud computing currently bases, guangqumen, West Beijing data center and other private data centers data center. Among them, both innovation and cloud computing-are the first custom data center, as opposed to traditional data center, both based in security monitoring, network, network management, operation and maintenance agents stepped up investment management, quantitative management and assessment, to provide users with higher service quality and strict management system. Based on in-depth research of the IDC industry trends in 2014, Qi Shang Zai Xian joint IBM, zhongxing new cloud services, cloud East, huasheng tiancheng, Neusoft Group, jointly launched by Issa Enterprise cloud computing platform – like a cloud. Like a cloud as the first dedicated to Open Power and X86 the public cloud infrastructure build, groundbreaking proposes “I+S” mode for enterprise cloud services provides a more secure and efficient.
With leading products, technologies and continuous business innovation and exploration, adhering to the open and cooperative and win-win philosophy, Qi Shang Zai Xian has received industry more and more attention. Because of Qi Shang Zai’s outstanding performance and achievements in the industry in recent years, Qi Shang Zai Xian Wang Yi, General Manager of this enterprise representatives signed a self-discipline Convention and successful data center data center General Manager, Standing Committee member of the Club.
The provisions of the Convention, data center industry as engaged in data center management services, application services, and other data center-related activities such as research, education, service enterprises and professionals together. On current trends, the community as a whole for the data center has a wide range of needs. Data Center construction and operation involves a large amount of expertise involve more processes. According to OHMAE idea of professionalism, professional to professional people to do to better promote social development. Therefore, on the whole give companies data center construction and operation needs to do to better social benefits. Qi Shang Zai Xian professional third-party service providers, such as, this is a very good development opportunities.
As advocates of the China data center industry self-discipline as well as “data centers, General Manager of the Club,” Standing Committee, Qi Shang Zai Xian, as well as the other members to build the data center industry development of harmonious ecological environment, guiding data center sustainable and healthy development of the industry, improving data center industry’s overall position in the national economy for direction.
PS: the China data center industry self-discipline Convention
(Released January 10, 2015) Chapter I General provisions article I for the establishment of self-regulatory mechanisms in our data center industry, regulating professions, “following positive development, strengthen management, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, as I used the” basic principles of law promoting healthy development and safeguard the data center industry, developing this Convention.
Referred to in article II of this Convention refers to data center operations of the data center services, application services, and other data center-related activities such as research, education, service enterprises and professionals in General.
Third data center industry are patriotism, observance of the basic principles of self-discipline, fairness, and integrity.
Fourth initiatives of the industry practitioners in acceding to this Convention, from the viewpoint of safeguarding national interests and the industry as a whole, actively promote industry self-regulation, to create a good environment for industry development.
Article fifth data center industry Alliance of China, as the executive body of the Convention, is responsible for organizing the implementation of the Convention.
Self-discipline article sixth of the articles of chapter II consciously abide by State laws and regulations on data center development and management and policy, actively promoting the construction of professional ethics in the data center industry.
Seventh to encourage, support, legal, fair and orderly competition in the industry against competition within the industry by unfair means.
Eighth and consciously safeguard the data center users ‘ legitimate rights and interests, keeping user information secret; do not use user-provided information to engage in any activity that has nothing to do with the promises made to users, do not take advantage of technical or other violations of the legitimate rights and interests of the user.
Nineth data center operations both inside and outside service providers to access Web site information for oversight, refused to release harmful information access site to eliminate the adverse effects of illegal information on the Internet users in China.
Tenth to strengthen communication and collaboration to study our data center industry development strategy of China’s data center construction, development and management of policies and legislative proposals put forward.
11th support a variety of effective ways in data center industry research, collaboration in the areas of production and services, and industry work together to create a favorable environment for development.
12th to encourage enterprises, research institutes, educational institutions and other entities and individuals develop proprietary IT systems and data center infrastructure products, for the further development of our data center industry to provide strong support.
13th and actively participate in international cooperation and exchanges, and participating in the industry’s development, conscientiously abide by the signed international rules.
Article 14th consciously accept the oversight of the industry and of the community criticism, to jointly resist and rectify malpractice in various trades.
Third chapter Convention of Executive 15th article China data center industry development Union is responsible for organization implementation this Convention, is responsible for to Convention members units passed data center industry management of regulations, and policy and the industry self-discipline information, timely to government competent sector reflect members units of wishes and requirements, maintenance members units of due interests, organization implementation data center industry self-discipline, and on members units comply with this Convention of situation for supervision.
16th article of the Convention, members should fully respect and abide the discipline of this Convention.
Article 17th disputes among the members of the Convention, parties to the dispute shall be based on the principle of mutual understanding and accommodation to seek the consultation of dispute, mediation may also petition the Executive Body for the Convention, and consciously safeguard unity and defend trade integrated benefit.
18th article of the Convention, members of the unit in contravention of this Convention and any other members of the unit have the right to timely report to the Executive Body for the Convention, asking the Executive Body for the Convention to investigate; Executive Body for the Convention could also direct investigations, findings and announced to all members of the unit.
19th Convention members in violation of the provisions of this Convention, adverse effect, verified, depending on the cases by the Executive Body for the Convention at the Convention, members of the unit the internal processing of notification or to the public.
20th article of the Convention to all members of the unit have the right to Executive Body for the Convention implementation of the Convention the legality and fairness of supervision has the right to Executive Agency of the Department prosecute the Executive Body for the Convention, or their staff to act in violation of this Convention.
Member units of the 21st article of the Executive Body for the Convention and in the process of the implementation of and compliance with this Convention must abide by national laws and regulations.
Fourth chapter supplementary articles 22nd article of the Convention by the sponsor of a Convention signed by the legal representative or its authorized representative after the entry into force, and in the 30th after the entry into force by China data center industry Coalition announced to the public.
During the 23rd article of the Convention’s entry into force, by members of the Executive Body for the Convention or the Convention more than one-tenth units proposed and agreed by the two-thirds members, this Convention can be modified.
24th my data center professionals accept the provisions of this Convention of self-imposed rules can also apply for joining the Convention; members of this Convention may denounce this Convention, and informed the Executive Body for the Convention; Executive Body for the Convention published joining and withdrawing from the list of the present Convention.
25th article of the Convention be interpreted by the data center industry Alliance, China.
26th article of the Convention come into force on the date of promulgation.

Source: customer network

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