Yang scored one of the most program trading framework technology innovation awards

Recent TopSummit organized by 2014 China new sharp marketing awards to “big ideas and big data, big marketing” as the theme, invite 100 top marketing experts and scholars at home and abroad, a senior brand Executive and advertising executives and other industry leaders serving as judges, uphold the principle of “fairness, impartiality, objectivity, truth” principle of selection, based on highlights of award-winning products in recent years. Yang technology launched in 2014, China’s first Programmatic Framework the framework of program trading, with program buying innovation and application of technology, highest rated in this gesture as a frontrunner in the most technologically innovative products marketing tool awards.
Yang technology Programmatic Framework the framework of program trading as China’s first program to buy a framework, Yang technologically leading products in full throughout the entire Internet advertising technology gene algorithm Framework data layer, layer, the application layer and API layer for the advertising parties and provides the most optimal customized programmed buying solutions. Once launched, get people in the industry agree, subject to the user’s attention. Programmatic Framework distinguishes it from other program to purchase a product, it is a complete program to purchase frame, full range from RTB to NON-RTB, from the platform to the ads program trading path to the DMP, programming provides a one-stop solution for the customer.

Yang scored one of the most program trading framework technology innovation awards Yang scored one of the most program trading framework technology innovation awards

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