Beijing, quick sparring industry entered the era of precision marketing take go to the introduction of 30% students

From the paint’s tumultuous “plaster paste” to the well organized Web, classifying information as the popularity of the Internet and mobile Internet continues to improve its rendering model. For businesses, relying on the classifications Web site, promotional models are gradually improving, evolved from extensive promotion to precision promotion, innovation promotion stage. Beijing strictly car service company based on net a powerful Classifieds, get out of the road to a very unique promotion.
Bid farewell to the extensive mode of precision promotion turnaround
Beijing strictly car service company, founded in 2003, the company set the drive training, vehicle maintenance, annual inspection, insurance, long-distance business of chauffeur car service company. Expansion of the business, how to accurately obtain the target users, which became Beijing strictly car service limited liability companies are confronted with the primary problem.
Traditional promotion mode only for the short term effect, however, they put into the Fund, platforms, methods, timing, target audience, without detailed planning, resulting in excessive pursuit of some enterprises, rather than promoting accuracy, leading to extended result is not satisfactory. Businesses spend a lot of money but unable to achieve satisfactory results.
“Enterprise should according to products traits, and target customer to tailored, select for himself of mode for precision put”, Beijing speedily and car service limited responsibility company head on reporter said, in net Shang for put Hou, himself company quickly obtained has precision Gets custom of of industry and geographical differences of solution programme, help enterprise fast won market opportunities, reverse past of decline, became industry of helm people.
Promoting effect of outstanding net of import 30% practice driving students
This reporter learned that, go to market with its own advantages for Beijing strictly car service company tailor a promotional package, for potential car service-users, through such means as smart promotion, top, and efficiently deliver products and services to targeted customers, helping them seize opportunities more quickly, relaxed era of accurate network marketing for low input and high returns.
“We promote on the net low cost, quick, easy to operate, user-friendly products”, the official said, by put on the net, its promotional costs 230,000 yuan lower than traditional marketing methods, and net more into 30% practice driving student, further to maximize economic efficiency.
As we all know, sparring industry fees are transparent, some informal companies at a low price to attract students, then halfway through fare increases, so many students suffer. As a Beijing company set up the first drive training industry, Beijing strictly car service company, price transparency without any additional cost, have served for ten years a total of 101,245 customers, helping customers drive towards independence, the whole one-on-one sparring. Powerful advantages and go to great precision promotion of products, now Beijing strictly car service company has been in the industry of small fame, and getting to practice driving the students of all ages.
In addition to high performance outside, go to the maintenance personnel responsible for Beijing‘s vigorous cars services limited liability company officials praised, “maintainer status targeted promotion of our recommendations will also for the first time to help solve a problem occurs.” Meanwhile, the official said, they will increase cooperation with the network of the future, continuing to explore new models to promote SME network.

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