Leading mobile collaborative OA to launch micro enterprise integration solutions

The introduction of micro-credit enterprises, and comparable to the Dragon sword to re-emerge, and enterprise market revival, will probably spark a bloodbath. In order to seize market opportunities, a number of third party developers, and enterprise software vendors to answer, at a Sprint pace, rushed to launch enterprise application integration services and solutions for the mobile office market “flames and fire”.
Has a “connection” ambitious enterprise, unified job portal, which will need to be integrated with a variety of Mobile Office applications, enabling employee collaboration among internal and supply chain. From the current enterprise applications and services available on the market, micro-credit enterprises, hosted application that is the basis of OA, some people in the industry believe that this is a threat to traditional software vendors such as OA.
In this regard, the leading collaborative management software service provider Wan Hu OA said, “has brought more opportunities, micro-credit enterprises, it is not intended to replace OA products, a loss of OA’s life, but is more responsive to the new demands of enterprise users, improve stickiness, and meet further extended needs of users, is a homeopathy for. Based on this, Wan Hu OA is also actively engaging with Tencent, launched ezOFFICE and micro-enterprise integration solutions, to provide our customers with better service. ”
Unified job portal, reconstruction of mobility management platform
Mobile app of the Internet age, as if a giant platform, can think of service seems to be working on achieving, being social, media, marketing, payments, doing business … … App again and again to subvert tradition.
Micro-religious father Zhang Xiaolong said, “app is a way of life”. In fact, before I knew, weixin has become a way of working, infiltrated the enterprise, communication becomes a very important tool. Enterprise employees, the company’s customers are in the micro-work on the letter to communicate user shocking high viscosity. Despite criticism of micro-conversational flow inefficiencies, and in depth communication with certain defects, however, because the app itself is a natural platform for communication and information aggregation system, and the communication and information-sharing services has always been a necessity for enterprises, which fit both sides of natural attributes, run through app penetration business users simply can not stop.
If said, zhiqian micro letter public platform subscription, and service, of launched more of is focused Yu Enterprise external Exchange and marketing service, in enterprise and customer, and service and commercial Zhijian built has a platform, completed has Enterprise external connection words, Enterprise, is throughout Yu enterprise internal of collaboration management, through unified account system, unified work entrance, achieved has personal and enterprise of full integration, full meet enterprise user of deep Office needs.
“For enterprise for, may internal will with to many a different of application, each application are since into set user system, as mobile sign, and mobile OA, and mobile CRM, and mobile claims,, such produced of Office flow extremely dispersed, lack connected sex, and enterprise, of highlight value reflected in it through unified portal entrance, unified news specification and user interactive way, achieved has flow and user data of integration. “Wan Hu OA products Division Director Xu points out.
In addition, the micro-credit enterprises, also solves the problem of compatibility of mobile terminal, businesses can connect to existing IT systems enters the enterprise, convenient configuration applications, rapid implementation of enterprise mobile information. Applications, micro-credit enterprises, there are new breakthroughs, broaden the internal staff from management of enterprises with upstream and downstream partners, vendors, work order management, collaboration, extends service groups and service content, allow the external collaboration much easier, saved the cost of promotion, services for the enterprise. It also marks the construction of enterprise’s IT systems from function-oriented to customer-oriented transformation supports fragmentation, enhance the efficiency of organizational collaboration.
Dig the user pain points and provides innovative services
So, for the enterprise, and OA products to the definition of OA integration with enterprise can realize what a breakthrough in function, what valuable services for business management?
According to Xu’s introduction, Wan Hu ezOFFICE and micro-enterprise integration solution, the first step is a common address book, information management, document management, document management and internal mail function transferred to the micro-letter. Features such as contacts may be established according to the enterprise’s organizational structure, and supports importing organizations and users, support quick find and point to point communications, the user can also define user groups via tags, creating thematic discussions and open Group. Information management function to support ezOFFICE to push information, users can view all the information in the ezOFFICE, can also customize the way information section, meet user information needs. Users can also process approval, through the enterprise to send and receive documents, send and receive messages, and so on.

Leading mobile collaborative OA to launch micro enterprise integration solutions

In addition to conventional OA functions in micro-conversion at the end of integration, million OA will also give full calls the app’s native resources, to create more products with innovative properties. For example, a wave passed, users can search for vehicles, free resources such as conference rooms through bar code can be scanned items, retrieving items; share information, approve through QR, QR code to log in, scan business cards, and so on. In addition, enterprises will also be working with Wan Hu na Internet printing platform integrating products, the introduction of enterprise personalization solution for print design, ordering.

Leading mobile collaborative OA to launch micro enterprise integration solutions

“During the development process, we examined micro-top 20 most widely used functions, consider these features after docking with the OA can bring what kind of special value to users. About user pain points, mining the deep needs of enterprises and innovation on the basis of existing products, is our diligently direction. “Xu stressed.
It is reported that after Wan Hu OA became typical of the enterprise, vigorously promoting the scheme to have a customer base, promoting the construction of mobile information technology for enterprise customers to help clients quickly connect people and processes, implement PC Terminal, mobile data synchronization, truly seamless, allow employees to take full advantage of fragments of time, achieve high office.
Micro-credit enterprises, from launch until now about the opportunities, challenges, value, influence and other topics have been arguing. Despite the statements of opinions differ, but one thing is for sure, Enterprise for the development of the mobile office market is definitely a boost. Now, domestic enterprises lack visibility and user education, Enterprise, lit a fire for them, through the platform strategy, attracting many manufacturers building blocks for applications in the enterprise market, promoting the market gradually

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