Advance the process optimization kwong on holdings by Wan Hu OA encouraging management activity

Brick tiles, old style, one step away from South of Tiananmen Square, has a history of more than 600 years old Beijing street – Yang Mei Zhu Xie Jie, after renovation initiative, became the unique feature of the downtown, attracts crowds of tourists. O Imperial root, Bayberry and bamboo culture Street exudes a thick, Qianlong Dong GE scholar Liang Shi and modern writers of Shen Cong-Wen’s once lived here, Lu Xun’s and Yu Dafu’s and Liang Qichao, and many other cultural figures in this leaves a footprint. The Republic of China, also gathered a World Book Company, globe book company, and many other popular press, has published numerous books, promotes the development of social culture … …
Large fences and Tung Liu Li Chang West as important areas, Yang Mei Zhu Xie Jie, conservation and renovation project is invested by Beijing dashilan kwong on holdings limited liability companies, through planning repairs, gradually returning to its historical features, will make it a rich cultural features of Beijing cultural exhibition experience. In addition to construction, Kwong on holdings also include real estate development, municipal infrastructure, and so on. As a State-owned enterprise, Kwong on holdings by deploying OA OA platform simplifies the workflow, improves efficiency and also strengthened the overall control of the group with branches, improve the level of information.
Collaborative Office innovation of traditional management mode
Beijing guangan holding limited Yu July 2010 official tone established, its set three a subsidiary and the a escrow company, that to implementation paper insurance district transformation repairs project mainly of Beijing big fence investment limited responsibility company, to guarantees room construction, and real estate development for business of Beijing wide placed industry investment company, to implementation Government municipal based facilities mainly of Beijing guangan based facilities construction investment company (escrow), to assets operating management for main of Beijing guangan assets management company. Kwong on holdings itself is mainly responsible for the company’s overall macro-controls, the overall strategic planning and brand functions.
Like most State-owned companies, Kwong on holdings management thinking and management style are traditional, and particularly with regard to Office, still used in manual mode before. Hand-signed document not only spend a lot of time, but also of the document’s save, share, retrieve and reuse more difficult. In addition, due to the absence of a common platform for information sharing and communication between the Group and subsidiaries of efficiency is relatively low.
Responsible for kwong on holdings IT information technology business manager Liu, Guang ‘ an original intent of holding building OA OA platform, is to keep pace with the age of information, system information integration and sharing, process specification and optimization, as well as Office efficiency gains, strengthen control efforts with the branch of the group.
In this context, Kwong on holdings embarked on information construction of Office and examine major OA vendors and products on the market. Through an integrated appraisal and finally discovered that all OA is best for kwong on holdings. Liu Manager pointed out that, guangan holding last select million households OA main is considered to following four a factors: one, million households OA in industry has must of brand influence, products mature, and function powerful, can full meet enterprise of management needs; second, million households OA has must of price advantage, products price high; its three, million households can provides perfect of follow-up service, can timely effective to solution user problem; its four, million households OA has is good of easy sex. It is worth mentioning that, before State workers have become accustomed to manual work, if the new Office system operations are too complex, and will inevitably affect the implementation and operation of OA system in the enterprise.
“The number one project” to promote OA is widely
From start to completion of the project, Kwong on holdings lasted almost six months, realized the deployed parent company to a subsidiary of OA, the whole process relatively easy, mainly thanks to the comb to smooth the kwong on holdings business processes and guarantees are operational control, which has laid a good foundation for a successful implementation.
Systematic online is fast, but hits a snag on the application at a later stage. This is mainly because large State-owned enterprises of traditional culture, the traditional concept of inertia is a huge, any minor adjustments may be met with resistance. In Liu’s view, to change the traditional management style that requires patience. Information of resistance must be overcome step by step. There were information technology experts said that information anxious not to go too fast, others can’t keep up, can only be based on the existing management a little bit beyond. With Liu’s view.
Because some people aren’t accustomed to OA, submit workflow is active in the system, leading to low system utilization. Key indicators for evaluating OA effect, is sign the completion of business processes in your system. In order to solve this problem, Kwong on holdings set up a dedicated information team, appointed by the Chairman of group leader, personally spearheading, subordinate offices as part of a group, also asked the head of branch, a part of it. In this “number one project” under the imposing, leadership is no longer signed paper documents, only sign electronic documents in OA system. After a period of time, the result begins, number of monthly check audit process in OA system continued to rise.
In addition, in order to ensure ongoing and widespread application of OA system, Kwong on holdings also promoted the development of talent, specifically recruited IT technical personnel, is responsible for system maintenance and training. System application is now more smoothly. Because kwong on holdings has specialized in financial systems and human systems, in addition to other processes such as management of administrative examination and approval, Office supplies, vehicles, vacation requests, contract approval, administrative examination and approval, and so on in the OA. Moreover, the OA initiative of each branch are improving, often against the actual demand for some views of process improvement.
Process optimization upgrade Office efficiency
Since its launched, Wan Hu OA in kwong on holdings has run a nearly four-year period. Currently, Kwong on holdings OA project objective has been largely achieved, company headquarters and branch offices of more than 300 people. “Wan Hu OA to improve our management level has played a very big role”, Liu added. More specifically, the OA value embodied in:
First, to strengthen the Exchange and sharing of information. Company news, announcements, notices, rules and regulations, leaders of the latest trends, the latest requirements and so on can be made into a system, subsidiary of employee time to view it. Moreover, through the internal communication tools such as email, forums, can at any time for information exchange among employees, improve the efficiency of information dissemination and interaction.
Second, the saved history files. Documents or approving papers or, staff can be redeployed from OA to view at any time, without looking up some paper text documents. OA kwong on holdings within the fragmentary bits of information, knowledge, organized, systematic work processes and knowledge, thus enabling management, branch staff to obtain the appropriate knowledge and information from the system.
Third, improve the efficiency of document approval. By Wan Hu OA system, many processes can be done quickly on the system, especially in approving transfer of files between branch offices and headquarters has also accelerated. Prior to that, lots of paper documents to leadership through level after level of completion is issued, took a long time. Now with OA SMS alert feature, related personnel can carry out business processes, efficiency is greatly improved.
Information system applications have been continuously deepening and perfecting the process, on how to further improve the system, Liu said that kwong on holdings will continue to enhance the flow of work in the future, “then set several hundreds of processes within the OA system, but uses only about half in practical applications, this number could be increased. “In addition, due to the company’s business is complex, not just real estate, also relates to the Government to build roads, infrastructure construction, demolition, and many things later on kwong on holdings will consider ERP system, business information management. Then, to strengthen OA integration with ERP, financial systems, and realize data share exchange.

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