Scuffle after the year 2015 online travel landscape looked like this

2014 domestic online travel market is can be described as turbulent, price wars, posters, public relations warfare, lawsuits to be more lively. As the BAT began to wake up with traditional OTA, entrepreneurial company has joined this Council, the business line has been continuously enriched, 2015 the overall pattern from kaolajun point of view, is still a little change.

Come up and to sort out what happened in 2014, and decide what’s going on.

First, the BAT staking. Remember that because Ali’s “go” triggered world war posters, and in the end almost touch the entire Internet business. Apart from Taobao travel split to go, Arie has invested hundred Cheng Shiji and travel information, and combined balance treasure’s “tourist treasures” and overseas transportation card, from basic IT infrastructure services, outbound, payments, transportation across the layout.

Tencent continued presence of his own Godfather, has invested the same way, my fun trip and their bread, none of the three holdings formed. And Ali himself and the vote of the enterprise by comparison, a platform with Cheng He gradually go a little like my fun and Burley drive exit. By contrast, Baidu can be calm, do not know is to settle, is lagging behind, and acquisition of ctrip’s rumors many times, indeed the whole of 2014 are quieter than the first.

Secondly, the OTA and platform convergence. Price wars in play is beloved by the masses, and in fact they are almost a full year, and tickets in the same way, as typical. Whether or not it does not lack money, offering a pair of losses and loss of posture, pride decided to seduce users: Grandpa used to come to play, you see we are really not expensive at all.

OTA was behind the price war and continuous convergence of platforms. Here we are further subdivided into pure OTA platforms and OTA, started by the former reference price where, which references the same way. Represented by where platforms gradually not content to do the wedding dress for someone else, evolution from simple diversion to his agent, the last product. In the same way as a representative of OTA is gearing up a broad product line, from the early days of the advance sale of air tickets, hotel, ticket agents, meddling in outbound tourism. Differences between them fades from past cooperation more to the competition.

Again, small meat joined the war situation. Both standardized products, online travel agencies, in free practice before the tide have a pain point, it is difficult to satisfy user demand for travel. It’s not hard, big company model is doomed to this fate.

Visionary entrepreneurs, of course, don’t miss it. There’s a trite word particularly suited to describe the frequency of the birth of a startup, have sprung up. Heroes on merit, some main features accommodations, some major travel photography, some main island wedding, main fun customization. But work is that, everyone has free line, focused on getting around or leave the tour, starting from the destination, the fight is who can change “Luda in travel” old bad habits.

In this way, kaolajun in the heart of the new pattern is like this:

1. platform category. On behalf of the enterprise: ctrip, go, go, same way.

Sounds like those in market value, the age difference is a bit much. Ctrip is worth $ 6.3 billion, where 3.2 billion dollars, the same way not yet on the market, claiming to be worth 5 billion yuan, vvv you haven’t addressed this issue.

Put them together, because the development up to now, the restless students basic hollowware-platform status. Comparison of various basic operations, the primary navigation of the site is very similar to covering airfare, hotel, tickets, with the group, self-help, etc. 28 principle in the field of tourism are also applicable, platform-level enterprises will account for much of the next orders.

2. adhere to the standards. On behalf of the enterprise: elong, flight steward.

This logic is like this. Elong is a veteran few stick with tickets hotels in OTA, did not choose the path of other minor partners of the platform. But the problem is it does not seem to be a very good choice. Once Millennium second is worth only about $ 600 million, from ctrip also first entered the industry more and more. Coupled with last October’s core Executive exodus, art long and unnerving.

Flight steward was from the flight management APP in standardised products typical of or connected to the car service, and realizes one-stop travel, dining and may continue to expand this year. Previous industry opinion is base saturation of standardized products, flight steward has the advantage, use a travel management features to get a lot of c-terminal users.

3. online travel agent. On behalf of the enterprise: passers-cow, donkey mother.

In theory, this concept in a narrow sense, OTA, namely, online travel agent, through the cooperation with travel agents, to sell products on the Web. Relative standardization of terms, more in line with the current trend of free. Passers-cow landed last year, NASDAQ’s current market value of $ 600 million, with year-end investments in East Beijing, and cooperation with donkey mother.

Does not have its own line of travel and too dependent on suppliers is the short Board passers-cow, this leads to quality assurance and monitoring more difficult. But the way cattle is making up for it from another angle, that continued expansion of regional service centres, in order to have more communication with the user. Meanwhile, way cattle grid and donkey mother advantage business opportunites of outbound of the former and the latter, it will form a joint.

4. start-up companies. On behalf of the enterprise: Island House, fishing tours, to the next station.

Contains two modes, personalized OTA to focus on destinations, and travel guide based on content category, Island House, the big fish of the former tour represented, which represented their bread, next stop.

User needs only one experience. So entrepreneurs can only spell one thing, service. No matter which country is the main, the main accommodation or for pleasure, we all take root in destination. Bar-a deeper, more local resources, when users travel more.

All told, the whole trend, destinations become more and more important. Everything is not based on the choice of destination is false. Year after the pattern is still so upper or new forces, taken on the beach before the waves are possible. Kaolajun think, the world is so chaotic, good to see who, OTA full play!

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