Miit: finding bad cell phone software for 107 in the fourth quarter

News on February 4, the Ministry of Telecommunications Authority today released the circular of the Ministry of industry and information technology on the quality of telecommunication services were announced for 2014 and the development of telecommunication services in the forth quarter. Quarter total of 107 bad cell phone software, involving illegal collects users ‘ personal information, malicious “fees”, the software automatically sends out text messages, forcibly bundling unrelated to promote other applications and so on.

Circular shows that by the end of 2014, country 249 million fixed telephone users and mobile phone users reach 1.286 billion; fixed broadband users exceeded 200 million, of which more than 8 m users reached 82.067 million mobile broadband subscribers reached 583 million, with 4G users to 97.284 million households.

In 2014, 12321 Internet and spam reporting reception center, receiving valid SMS spam reporting 133,307 times in 2013, representing a decline of 42.9%.

Four quarter, industrial and information Department Organization on 40 home phone application store dial measuring sieve check, found bad software 107 paragraph, involving violations collection user personal information, and malicious “sucking fee”, and software automatically to outside sent SMS, and forced bundled promotion other has nothing to do application software, problem; on 140 home telecommunications enterprise 210 items value-added business for dial measuring, found 4 items business suspected exists not provides service is charges, and business content and propaganda inconsistent, problem; on 92 home telecommunications and Internet enterprise of customer service phone for checks, Found 14 companies customer service hotline artificial service is busy and so on.

Ministry to remind the user to receive the “bank transfer”, “redemption”, “system upgrade” and requires you to log on some links to related content, such as text messages, be sure to carefully check the website domain name to prevent straying into “phishing website” personal information leakage and property damage. Suspicious, may be reported to the police.

Following is the circular of the Ministry of industry and information technology on telecom service quality full text:

To promote continuous quality improvement of telecommunications service, in accordance with the People’s Republic of China relevant provisions of the Telecommunications Ordinance, for 2014 and the telecommunications services in the forth quarter the notice are as follows:

First, basic telecommunication services

(A) the steady development of the industry, and services capabilities significantly improve. By the end of 2014, country 249 million fixed telephone users and mobile phone users reach 1.286 billion; fixed broadband users exceeded 200 million, of which more than 8 m users reached 82.067 million mobile broadband subscribers reached 583 million, with 4G users to 97.284 million households. “Communication every village” project exceeded annual tasks, new progress Telecom universal service, national broadband 93.5% per cent villages, 20 per cent 95.8% per cent natural village phone, 86% information on the villages and towns of the countryside activities; whole concentrated even impoverished region more than more than more than 18,000 villages Internet coverage and more than 1000 remote and poor open broadband in rural areas.

(B) the network safe, stable levels of service. In 2014, the national telephone network and safe and stable operation of the Internet, communications service quality and overall stability, call rates, Internet access rates in conformity with the requirements of telecommunication service specification; 7 new fully built up national Internet backbone peering points, Internet architecture has been optimized and the quality improved significantly. Response to natural disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, rainstorms, floods, telecommunications industry today deployed emergency communications support staff of 377,000 passengers, security vehicles more than 96,000 units, emergency communications equipment to 91,000 units, ensure smooth and providing disaster relief and public communications running smoothly.

(C) integration of business innovation, information consumption continued to expand. In 2014, the new services and innovative active, three basic telecommunications business IPTV users to 33.636 million households. Intelligent terminals spread faster, smart phone shipments reached 90.509 million units. Continued rapid growth in Internet traffic consumption, monthly household breakthrough mobile Internet access traffic 200M in 2013, representing a growth of 47.1%. reaching 3.498 million it was filed nationwide Internet, Internet consumption has become far more significant. Four quarters in 36 municipalities such as Shanghai (county or district) became the second batch of national pilot city for information consumption.

Second, the complaints of Telecom users and reporting

(A) the telecommunications service complaints. In 2014, the Ministry of industry and information technology, and various provinces (regions and municipalities) the complaints of Telecom users accepting institution through the complaint hotline, Government Web sites and other channels, a total of accepting telecommunications service related complaint 56617 in 2013, representing a decline of 16.9%; annual user complaint rate was 32.9 million passengers, down from 2013 29.9%.

Four quarters, National Agency for telecommunications subscriber complaints received more complaints about telecommunications services 15847, increased by 11.6% over three quarters; quarterly user complaint rate was 9.1 million, increased by 9.6% over three quarters (see Appendix 1 and 2). Among them, the network quality complaint complaints accounted for 16.7% of the total, compared with the third quarter down 6.6%; 31.2% of the total fee disputes of complaints complaints, compared with the third quarter down 0.9%; customer service complaints account for 52.1% of the total complaints, increased by 7.5% over the third quarter, mainly related to the contract can not be timely delivery, issues such as number portability service disputes.

Complaint bodies at all levels in accordance with the relevant provisions of interim measures on handling the complaints of Telecom users, conducted a survey of user complaints, mediation, and effective maintenance of telecommunication users rights.

(B) the SMS spam reporting. In 2014, 12321 Internet and spam reporting reception center (hereinafter referred to as 12321 reporting Center) accepting valid SMS spam reporting 133,307 times in 2013, representing a decline of 42.9%.

Four-quarter reporting Center effective SMS spam reporting 39,594 12321 times increased by 25.4% over the third quarter. “point to point” report SMS spam effectively 31,830 times, increased by 13.5% over the third quarter; ” Port class “garbage SMS effective reported total 7,764 pieces times, more three quarter rose 119.9%. from reported SMS content see, category is commercial advertising marketing propaganda, accounted for reported total of 37.4%, more three quarter rose 72.8%; main involving education training class, and retail industry marketing and telecommunications business propaganda,; another category is suspected illegal crime, accounted for reported total of 62.6%, more three quarter rose 7.8%, main involving fraud, and illegal operating activities, and illegal sold Notes documents,.

12321 reports received by the Centre for effective spam messages contained in alleged crimes have been brought to the Police Department’s handling of the content, send numbers intercepted platform list; the other three home based telecom business has been disposed of.

Three, telecom services regulation

(A) four quarter, industrial and information Department Organization on 40 home phone application store dial measuring sieve check, found bad software 107 paragraph, involving violations collection user personal information, and malicious “sucking fee”, and software automatically to outside sent SMS, and forced bundled promotion other has nothing to do application software, problem (see annex 3); on 140 home telecommunications enterprise 210 items value-added business for dial measuring, found 4 items business suspected exists not provides service is charges, and business content and propaganda inconsistent, problem ; 92 telecoms and Internet customer service conduct random checks found 14 companies customer service hotline artificial service is busy and so on.

For dial measuring check found and media reported of problem, industrial and information Department obliges related telecommunications enterprise on by reflect of problem for full Combs troubleshooting and rectification, consciously specification service and charges behavior; organization JIU Feng work supervision group, to three home based telecommunications group and Heilongjiang, 9 a province (district, and city) for supervision; implementation supervising asked accountability 27 items, each province (district, and city) Communications Authority total investigation violations telecommunications enterprise 13 home.

(B) four quarters, Ministry of industry and information technology organizations to carry out supervision and inspection after the smart phone card, a total of 50 smart phone operating systems and 345 applications preinstalled software conducted a sample survey, found 7 companies 7 smart phone operating system security researchers and various degrees of descent (see annex 4). Ministry of industry and information technology, according to the telecommunication equipment’s entry into network management measures, such as regulations, has ordered the relevant business for rectification, take effective measures to protect user personal information security and legal rights.

(Three) four quarter, industrial and information Department issued on to civil capital open broadband access market of notices, proposed encourages civil capital to variety mode entered broadband access market, to competition promoting broadband network based facilities construction and broadband business service level upgrade; joint Ministry of public security, and business General issued phone “black card” governance special action work programme, in national range joint carried out for a years of special action, Stern combat using phone “black card” implementation illegal crime behavior, real maintenance masses lawful rights and interests of. Publishing the telecommunications and Internet Services user definition and classification of personal information protection, telecommunication and Internet service user two grading guidelines for personal information protection standards, clear telecoms and Internet users ‘ personal information protection.

(D) the Ministry of industry and information technology exhibit on 2014 in the telecommunications service of 98 individuals and 28 grass-roots organizations, were awarded the annual “national customer satisfaction telecom service star” and the “national customer satisfaction telecom service star group” title. Jointly undertaken by the China consumers Association 2014 annual national telecommunication service customer satisfaction survey showed that telephone users satisfaction levels remained stable, especially mobile Internet access Internet access satisfaction significantly improved.

Four, business and consumer tips

(A) operating tips 1. the relevant telecommunications service providers unknown to early media coverage of value-added telecom service charges, the default order, set the 3G/4G conversion issues such as barriers to a comprehensive investigation, consciously standardize services and charge, and continuously upgrade the quality of service levels, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

2. the telecommunications business operators to advance users service-related work during the Spring Festival, strengthen inspections to detect network facilities and communications lines, especially to low temperature freezing rain and snow in winter precautions for natural disaster-prone; ensure that the channels of communications networks and services functioning, strengthen consumer alert.

3. the basic telecommunication business operators to complete an inventory of port bulk spam messages, and take effective measures to curb the upward trend of port class spam messages. Meanwhile, strengthening education, training and retail marketing analysis and disposal of such spam messages.

(B) consumer tips 1. Ministry of industry and information technology, to remind the user to receive the “bank transfer”, “redemption”, “system upgrade” and requires you to log on some links to related content, such as text messages, be sure to carefully check the website domain name to prevent straying into “phishing website” personal information leakage and property damage. Suspicious, may be reported to the police.

2. the Ministry of industry and information technology, are reminded that to register users, as part of its call “black card” governance initiative, protecting users legal rights, please notify the registration supplement method in accordance with telecommunications companies, meet real ID information up to register.

People’s Republic of China Ministry of industry and information technology on January 30, 2015

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