Mobile Marketing’s “connector” wide pass strong debut Iworld data planet
Now, DSP/RTB, Exchange, DMP, SSP, electricity providers recommendation engines, data mining and managed … … Development of data technology is in full swing. Currently, only on the provision of related technologies, products, solutions and marketing platform for more than hundreds of third-party service providers. Each of the major Internet companies, 4A agencies, marketing services agencies, both have different levels to build their own data marketing technology products. Therefore, data technology products become a disruptive force advertising marketing is no longer just a concept, but has begun to become a reality.
On January 16, 2015, Iworld interactive marketing world sponsored by the DCCI data planet held at Beijing‘s China National Convention Center, the Assembly brought together more than 20 categories of data technology products, thousands of industry practitioners. Tencent effect advertising platform Ma Yiqun, Deputy General Manager of the Department was invited to attended the meeting and delivered the keynote speech of mobile marketing in the age of the connector, and discuss hot industry people, exploring future trends.
Wide stop was awarded “leading enterprise of the year” awards
Tencent effect advertising platform, wide point with for a long time in technology, products, operations and multi-dimensional deep plowing has become worthy of industry leader. Day of the event, well stop predatory three awards, including the “2014 gold sale in leading enterprise of the year award” and “mass effect marketing case reviews” wonderful “effect 1th shop anniversary marketing award”, while wide-click-through advertising management system included in “TOP100 Iworld 2015 planet data technology products” in the catalogue, in many areas of full flowering.
Tencent effect advertising platform Ma Yiqun, Deputy General Manager of the Department was invited to keynote
“People average day spent to 5 hours contact media, which 100 minutes to has phone, 100 minutes to has computer, left 100 minutes to other media”, Ma Yiqun with a group with like of of digital phenomenon opened speech curtain, by this group phenomenon can see, user of attention obviously to mobile end migration, and in mobile era, how do marketing to reached effect maximize does? Technology based on the data of mobile marketing is the future of marketing major.
Ma Yiqun brought two thoughts in his speech to the audience: how to connect to a user? How to transform a user?
How to connect a user? Flow + form = connector
Equipped with fine flow, combined with the high quality advertising forms, is best with the user “connector.” wide pass includes QQ, QQ, weixin, Tencent QQ music, news, and more than one Super APP and the concept of mobile in the APPTOP100 list, released, wide stop carrying 6 APP platform is within the top 11. Thus, wide stop with baiyiji boutique owned by Tencent social flow and wide stop Mobile Alliance including external quality traffic, efforts through 2014, Mobile Alliance now has to do daily exposure of up to 800 million request.
QQ space advertising as an example of information flow, a wide range of information flow forms with precise digital delivery forms, QQ space stream advertisements into native ad choice, reaching average daily exposure to 300 million, hits 4.5% ‘s proud achievements.
How to transform a user? Cross-screen + efficiency = double machine
Terminal cross-track orientation, with effective forms of advertising is to promote users to efficiently convert “multiplier.” in the account system with the help of Tencent, wide pass across PC, mobile-end multi-screen data tracking capabilities. Can be ripe for the PC side of “seed users” properties are copied to on the mobile side, “it’s actually almost like a copy machine,” Ma Yiqun stressed that “we gave it a name, called wide-stop success multiplied … “Under the multiplier, companies in mobile terminal can more accurately captured and” seed users “group properties as similar as possible to a potential user groups to achieve the most accurate and effective advertising. For example, the beautiful said through click-through business interests rose 250%-targeting ROI, wide stop make sure advertising effectiveness scores on the “multiplier”.
Iworld interactive marketing world data planet is China market Internet advertising marketing data technology products, and industry chain Shang middle and lower reaches of of first times concentrated rendering and system docking, is once data marketing by virtual to real, and real from concept to practical, data value in China market real began landing of turning point, wide points pass in data planet Shang set off a on mobile marketing of mind storm, for data technology support Xia of mobile marketing future of road provides has unlimited may.