Baidu you really OK? 50-month bonus hunting spewing

January 28-January 24, Baidu CEO Robin Li said at the 2014 annual meeting and the 15 anniversary of Baidu, Baidu employees who got a bonus equivalent to 50 months ‘ wages this year, “by the end of 2014, we took out the largest amount of bonus and reward outstanding students. ”
“A few days ago several candidates from Baidu suddenly fail, a great surprise. “On January 25, engaged in headhunting Veronica Sun working on the popular Internet community know posting said Baidu’s” 50-month year-end bonus “has been in the hunter ring effect.
Not Veronica somebody knows this. A well-known Internet search firms in China Zhang Qian (not his real name) has also encountered the same problem, she said, interviewed in recent weeks to move some of the Baidu people have “lost”, and eventually choose to stick to Baidu, which affected her performance.
Zhang Qian 2014 thinks this and Baidu directly related to year-end bonuses soared. “If it is more than 5 years 70, $literal, senior staff, plus bonus equivalent to 50 months ‘ wages, I am afraid, million dollar income could not be beat, this industry is absolutely a very tempting. “Veronica, after investigating a circle of friends also found that Baidu employees treatment generally increases this year, universal bonus levels were up in varying degrees, in previous years a relatively greater increase.
This Baidu employees and organized “Broadway” has become a hot topic. One unwilling to revealed name of Baidu Qian employees said, he in participate in has weekend of left Baidu employees party Hou learned that this a news of more details, “is multi-channel of news are displayed Baidu this year does improve has year-end Award”, this let last year early resigned of he feel is tangled, “to new company this only for money, but now Baidu of treatment improve Hou this select is is stupid. “He said, Baidu have nothing against older workers to rejoin the company, maybe back later in the year he would consider.
This isn’t the first time Baidu hefty cash incentives to employees. As Li annual Conference speech as “why Baidu can survive?” The answer given is because Baidu “always put the growth mechanism of culture and people as to rely on simple Baidu’s most valuable assets.” Baidu in July 2010, the company’s highest award, “Baidu’s top prize” to reward the company below the Director level have contributed to grass-roots workers on the company. Every summer on Baidu’s SummerParty also handed out millions of dollars for business teams award–which is by far the country’s Internet businesses to give employees the highest reward.
Even in Silicon Valley, and Baidu have shown that treatment is also very tempting. In May last year, Baidu’s Silicon Valley research and Development Center was set up, please go to world’s top intelligence experts, Wu Enda sits a Professor of computer science at Stanford University, planned by the end of 2015, the research and Development Center expanded to 150 to 200 people, and allocated $ 300 million for research and development that supports the centers over the next 5 years.
Analysts believe that Baidu in recent years have been differentiated concept, the 50-month year-end bonus is the continuation of this line of thought. Past Baidu through bonus coefficient differences of, year-end award of calculation way is with company coefficient and personal coefficient to considerations; and this year of differences of efforts will more big, no longer only alone see KPI, but introduced a new of concept called DELTA (that incremental, refers to employees on company annual of contribution), core principles is–assessment incremental, and recognized contribution, and more fair, as long as do have good, that on can took of more.
In addition, Baidu’s rosy performance in two years and huge sums of investment in research and development but also to the technician more confidence. In 2014, Baidu’s revenue for the first three fiscal quarters than 2013 full fiscal year revenue of more than 3 billion yuan more mobile transformation is largely complete, steady growth in revenues accounted, Q3 income accounted for more than 36% and deep learning, large engines and artificial intelligence, direct basis in long-term technology development and marketing spending, is also sought after by Wall Street.
The person believes that Baidu technical inputs is determined to attract technical personnel will also have a “cluster effect”, or the increasing pressure on the talents of other Internet companies in the industry, but have a positive impact on China’s independent innovation industry in the long run.
Zhang Qian believes that Baidu to boost their year-end was meant to come from their own development needs, although it may circle will cause another round of war. Zhang Qian said that Internet companies are not inclined to disclose his company’s employees lost, but Baidu’s move will no doubt make many companies HR began to improve anti-poaching levels. “Years ago such a critical time, Baidu such a high bonus really gives us a problem. ”

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