360 search APP good measured “around” features the main local service

Mobile Internet era what matters most? localized Live services is clearly a top priority. Face an user usage scenarios and needs upgrading, blindly copying the PC search mobile search products has apparently been too “OUT!” at the beginning of the year 2015, 360 Search launched an independent search in a high profile brand “better search”, and shout out “direct is not important, more important around” slogan. As a good search APP “seven arms”, one of the peripheral can provide users find nearby playing a one-stop service, to create a convenient, efficient and intelligent O2O localized Live services platform. Whether it is really so magical? small make up today to try and teach you how to easily play the good search “around”.

360 search APP good measured
(In good search APP, enter “hotel,” surrounding the immediate area restaurant location maps and restaurant listings)

Small series in good search APP, enter “hotel,” page in the immediate area surrounding the restaurant, location map, and a list of restaurants. Good location by searching as to why small automatic positioning, click “change position” can also be modified manually. This General mobile search products with the essential difference. Show the restaurant as well as scope, filter user ratings, restaurant category and price range. As selected in the restrictions “within a distance of 5000 meters, about 100 yuan per capita restaurant”, and then filtered by the accurate search results show, which is very convenient.

360 search APP good measured
(Show the restaurant as well as range, user ratings, restaurant category, and filter price range)

Shows information about the restaurant, along with hours of operation, location, distance, from the category of there business phone and route two shortcut buttons. Users can click on call businesses and get where the route to a destination restaurant. Public transportation, driving, walking and other methods were readily available, allowing users at a glance.

360 search APP good measured

Where the user click the shortcut button to find the route to a destination restaurant

Use good search “around” this function, in the outdoor temporary wants to look for restaurants, cafés, hotels, cinemas could no doubt be more effective when, mothers no longer have to worry that I can’t find a place to eat it! for this time around, small said he was satisfied. If search directly for a specific restaurant, what would result?

360 search APP good measured
(Enter “Pizza Hut”, the nearest Pizza Hut restaurant location maps, address, telephone number and other information is available)

Good APP search, enter “Pizza Hut”, the distance Xiao bian recently Pizza Hut location maps, address, telephone number and other information is available. Click to select “this brand to other restaurants”, the page will appear in the list of other Pizza Hut outlets in Beijing. In addition users can see information related to buying, go to Pizza Hut’s official website. Overall, the function called is comprehensive.
While the current mobile search competition, the Giants have launched a search APP to grab share, however experience was generally satisfactory but it is an indisputable fact. Search for “hotel”, for example, most mobile search results is almost a replica of the PC search: Wikipedia interpretation of restaurants, hotel photos, hotel bar, and so on, which obviously runs counter to the mobile search users ‘ actual needs. Better search “around” features full consideration mobile search users ‘ diversified needs, in a sense, acts as a mobile “yellow pages”. Measure of whether a product is good, to the end users still have the final say, through the “perimeter” is not difficult to see a good search function expansion had made a great effort, which can reap a good feedback from the market, or in the future have a greater share of natural wonder.

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