Grapes of life is how to seize the O2O flow inlet

Inventory your current O2O living service in full swing, you will notice a common problem, that is, “on their own”.
Aunt manicure there are beavers, domestic service, chauffeur e chauffeur, Chef home love chef … Every business within a niche to build their own core competencies. This phenomenon into the user level, it is this: more time costs. Every time a user uses a service to open a separate app, even if the app is low, even if it can only address individual needs.
O2O domestic services, integration platform there is guaranteed. Referring to integrate naturally around BAT 3 hills. After 2014 the staking, BAT’s platform a prototype early. But the mobile Internet to the center of the property, dominance is no longer possible. Small businesses around the BAT, grab a slice of the mobile Internet market, is not uncommon.
O2O in the just concluded World Expo, the emergence of a budding new team. Grapes, is one of them. The company began as early as a year ago in the O2O field layout set up.
It plays, and traditional BAT built entrance way is different. In simple terms, is to get through to the upper reaches of the handset and phone contacts, contacts into a O2O service aggregation platform. If likened to a phone address book APP, then open the address book access frequency, accuracy is absolutely as much as any BAT Super APP.
In less than a year’s time, grapes have accumulated tens of millions of users, factual evidence to show patterns of commercial value. A little analysis, it is not difficult to find, took the grape life-how: win + survival in the crevice.
First win-win.
1, mobile phone manufacturers
Previously, APP and mobile forms of cooperation: the machine. But the grape life cooperation method more depth. Directly in the SDK way “entry” user’s address book.
Handset vendors for Internet services in an attempt to not so great, someone developed a SDK to help their corporate brands in address book adds a brand out of the opportunity, the demand for them is also very practical. Grape life then some less easy to integrate users needs and integrating use of forms of cooperation.
2, O2O service providers
Traffic is like motivation, no traffic, no matter how good the O2O service ran up.
About lottery tickets, cinema tickets, telephone, courier service provider, platform entrance holes. Has started cooperation with the grape life mobile phone manufacturers, Hyundai, ZTE and Lenovo, gionee, Tianyu, basically covers the mainstream of independent mobile phone brands. Hyundai last year amounted to 60 million a year, which was equal to 60 million entrances. So direct and mass user entry, plus have an advantage over big BAT into, for any 020 is very attractive for service providers.
3, the user
Users can live in a service navigate, obtain more efficient experience. Too many do not need to install app, can also get service information, which is the value.
Survival in the crevice.
Grape live game is called yellow pages 2.0 concepts. 1.0 is the number integrated in yellow pages, yellow pages 2.0 is the integration of service information. The grape life is this. This current life-support services, and are not on a path, is the entrance to a more upper-class business.
Present tense scenes with keen competition in Internet services, not in a market in which players can do about it, because of your background and the position are doomed, but to do things within his own sphere, widespread integration of business can only be done by a third party, while grape life that third parties, BAT can’t do and that third party.
Services are primarily provided by the grape life based on Android, mobile phone, user groups is route 234 urban users. This group of users new to O2O domestic services, is a land of blue ocean, with giant mainstream user group formation and differentiation. Grape live at the point, BAT bent out of reach.
Individual account system, essentially are obstacles for developing life-support services, at the same time to build barriers to competition, also lowered its efficiency. You’re selling movie tickets or sell airline tickets, not a high frequency applications, but also occupies a valuable account of the resource at the same time, occupy the user’s mobile phone resources, once a month using the app, again well done app only low efficiency.
Grapes of life the bypass chain direct cut phone number resource services entry ways, it now appears that was indeed very nice try. Broken app Islanding on this operational objective, also catered to the sure start Web app of the future trends in the current slight weakness in the development of mobile Internet is clearly a bright spot.

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