Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

Working a 9-to-5 job in an office can be as boring as it sounds. On a slow day, many employees might seek a way to pass the time without getting in trouble with the boss. Some may play games, others might chat with co-workers, or pull pranks on them, but they certainly wouldn’t pose as the subjects from famous paintings… Right?

Not quite. Chris and Francesco, two employees in the Squarespace office in NYC have mad a game from recreating famous paintings when they get bored working. The rules are simple: they can use only office supplies for props and all the editing of the photos must be done a phone (Android or iPhone). They post the finished recreation on their site Fools Do Art. After seeing what they’ve accomplished, you must agree that they are very resourceful.

1. Ecce Homo (Behold the Man) by Elias Garcia Martinez, circa 1930

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

2. Two Ballet Dancers by Edgar Degas

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

3. Blonde Beauty  by Walt Otto, circa 1950’s

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

4. The Nightmare  by Henry Fuseli

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

5. David with the Head of Goliath by Caravaggio

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

6. Christina’s World  by Andrew Wyeth, 1948

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

7. Lady and the Unicorn  Sight  Circa 1500

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

8. Tommaso di Folco Portinari Hans Memling, 1470

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

9. Timoclea uccide il capitano di Alessandro Magno by Elisabetta Sirani, 1659

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

10. Thinking About Death  Frida Kahlo, 1943

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

11. Napoleon Crossing the Alps by Jacques-Louis David

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

12. Portrait of a Man in a Turban  by Jan van Eyck, 1433

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

13. Christ’s Appearance to Mary Magdalene After the Resurrection by Alexander Ivanov, 1835

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

14. The Old Guitarist  by Pablo Picasso

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

15. The Son of Man  by Rene Magritte

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

16. The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp by Rembrandt, c.1632

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

17. Girl with the Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

18. The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

19. Mona Lisa  by Leonardo da Vinci, 1503-1506

Office Workers Recreated 19 Famous Paintings And It’s Hilarious

Let’s hope their boss doesn’t found out about this.

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