15 Awesome Artwork Inspired By Icelandic Myths

Thor, Odin and Loki are the first mythical characters that come to mind when we’re asked about Nordic mythology. And even that’s only because of their popularity and affiliation with the comic book, not because we know the actual myths. But even with a vague knowledge about the Icelandic mythical past, we know that their stories are filled with fantastical creatures that can make your blodd run cold. After all, we are talking about Vikings here. No pixies and unicorns for them.

Always awesome beautiful 13 year old LEGO Braille printer

  据美联社1月19 日报道,美国一13岁少年Shubham Banerjee用乐高积木零件拼出了一个低成本的盲文打印机。因为一般一台盲文打印机售价最少2000美元,这台低成本的打印机让他在硅谷一鸣惊人。不仅得到了父亲的资助还获得了英特尔拨出的一笔创业款项,开始了自己在硅谷的创业之旅。Shubham Banerjee开发出的这款桌上盲人打印机大概只有350美元,这是大多数盲人都可以承受的一个价格。

Alien: Isolation Needs a Sequel

With the recent announcement of Alien: Isolation selling in excess of over one million copies worldwide, it is clear that SEGA and Creative Assembly have managed to overcome the odds and produced what no one thought was possible. SEGA and Creative Assembly released an awesome Alien franchise game. The game was well received with fans and critics alike, and it is a financial success. In conclusion, SEGA and Creative Assembly need to put together a sequel for the game.

Taking Panoramic Pictures Is Boring. Go Spherical With Your Smartphone

We take pictures with our phones all the time and of everything. It’s even becoming like an obsession for some. With so many options, effects and apps available for out smartphone cameras, how can we resist snapping away at everything using each of the features. The most common picture theme unfortunately is the selfie, but many serious photographers have made us of the many features of this technology and have taken some amazing pictures.