Du Yonghai: O2O marketing in the age of the mobile Internet revolution
December 19, 2014 Conference 18th opens China’s Internet economy, 19th on the digital marketing Conference, each guest views, fantastic views abound. Yingsheng, China General Manager of Beijing Du Yonghai said O2O marketing environment is the core reason is technology-driven changes, O2O development will promote the products and services of the future more closely.
O2O concept was born early, but why is it so hot it only two years O2O? The reason is simple, because the popularity of mobile Internet technology and wearable technology. Group forms of the domestic market was born, to make people aware of O2O. Full network the group buying concept into China, within a very short period of time thousands of group buying websites have sprung up in China, called the Millennium regiments. Group buy: why catch this train on the Internet? Because genes Group took advantage of the Internet, rapid drainage online traffic, attract a lot of attention for a short time. In such a way to achieve the purpose of order quantity for the price. O2O domestic group now has fewer than 200, and this process of ebb tide, is precisely the natural processes of evolution in this industry.
Why O2O in the mobile Internet environment becomes marketing model? Du Yonghai thought the two were mutually reinforcing and mutually influenced each other make up. Mobile Internet has three major advantages, accurate, fast, and scalable. Mobile Internet also has congenital deficiency does not have the marketing scene. O2O advantage lies in the perfect online and offline through and implementing a dual interaction. O2O marketing environment is the core reason is technology-driven change. “O2O is just the right combination of online and offline? This is not the case. Online traffic drain to offline, there is an online resource to classify resources. “Du Yonghai said.
Waves of people have now not open around O2O, O2O what direction and future trends will develop? Du Yonghai sees physical currency flow in life will be reduced, O2O marketing after normalization, will promote the products and services even more closely to the future service products Exchange vary.