American high end sports An Dema brand acquisitions fitness App
News today, United States high-end sportswear brand An Dema (Under Armour), respectively, for $ 475 million and $ 85 million acquisition of fitness and Endomondo App MyFitnessPal. MyFitnessPal is available through to detect the user’s calorie intake to help develop a reasonable fitness program, now has 80 million subscribers. Endomondo tracks user movement and data records, including mileage, speed, calories, etc, now has 20 million users. Accordingly, An Dema will get lots of exercise of user data, through data analysis, increased sales of sportswear, sports shoes and other products. Slightly ahead of Nike as a high-end brand, An Dema through this acquisition will form a strong rival with Nike. Previously, Nike has launched series of health tracking application with a wearable device Nike+, and has accumulated more than 18 million subscribers.