The Beauty Of The Night Sky We Miss Living In Big Cities Revealed
From all the hustle and bustle of living in big cities, we forget to stop and enjoy what’s around us.And even when we do slow down on occasions, we are blinded by the colorful lights of the city at night. The sight may be beautiful, those bright lights hide a far more majestic picture of a night in the big city… The starry night sky.
When is the last time you’ve looked up at night, wanting to look at the stars, only to see clouds of smoke and a faint silhouette of the moon? Even on clear nights, you can only expect to see about a million stars, which realistically is not many. The majestic night sky over the big city skyline may be something we will never get to see, unless there is a total black-out, which is a frightening thought on itself.
Luckily we can see just what we;re missing out on thanks to the amazing artistic talent of photographer Thierry Cohen. Enjoy his collection of darkened cities.
1. Brooklyn Bridge
2. Hong Kong
3. Los Angeles
4. Paris
5. Rio De Janeiro
6. San Paolo
7. Shanghai
8. Hong Kong
9. Tokyo
10. Paris
11. Los Angeles
12. Rio De Janeiro
13. Shanghai
14. Empire State Building
15. Paris
16. Shanghai
17. San Francisco
Makes you wish for a blackout, doesn’t it?
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